martes, 20 de febrero de 2024


    This year, in IES JUAN CIUDAD DUARTE in Bormujos, we decided to create a quiz about our great autonomous community, Andalusia.

    The quiz has a similar format to the boardgame Trivial Pursuit and each question had a different colour, for instance, the questions about Entertainment and Films have a pink backgrounf and the Geography questions have a green background.

    First , we divide the students into groups of five or six, and give each group a small whiteboard and a boardpen.

    The questions are projetced on the PDI screen and the students have 20 seconds to answer. Of course, we gave the younger students more time.

    The topics are : Geography, History and Art,Maths, Film and Entertainment, Technology, Science and Sports which coincide with our bilingual subjects.

    The link to our quiz isANDALUSIAN QUIZ

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